Michael Mitchener
Date: August 4, 2014
Date: August 4, 2014
Time: ~7:00 AM to ~9:30 AM
Launch Point: Cherry Beach
Destination: Toronto Islands
Crew: Michael Mitchener, William Self & Norah Self
Conditions: Light and variable winds with smooth seas. Small short period wind waves. Winds: SW 3 to 4 knots. Seas: E 0 feet at 3 seconds.
3 minks, several rowers, cows, ponies, birds, dogs, water taxis, ferries, planes, herons, and thousands of ducks.

William Self
Believe it or not, today was the first trip out with Nessie this year - sad but true. It was also the first trip out for Norah Self with Nessie although not her first canoe trip. T'was a beautiful morning with near calm seas and warm temperatures. As this was the inaugural run of the season, we toasted Nessie and safe travels with a very wee dram of scotch on the beach before heading out on the water with Norah comfortably seated mid-canoe and Bill at the rear.

Michael Mitchener
Given the calm morning, we decided to head over to Toronto Islands and crossed the Eastern Gap with the rising sun behind us. The city had a slight fog covering it that added to the view as we paddled by the Ward's Island ferry terminal and passed through the marina. A few boaters were up getting organized otherwise it was a sleepy Civic Day that we had mainly to ourselves. We detoured on our way to Centre Island to see if we could spot a beaver at a dammed up inlet but alas, the damned beaver wasn't around. Luckily we were able to spot a few minks along the way to compensate.

Michael Mitchener
We passed by Far Enough Farm and saw many animals and birds but not a lot of people and noticed that the overhead chairlift had not been put into service. It was kind of sad to see that this ride has likely been a victim of cut-backs. Noting the darkening sky and predicted mid-morning rain, we decided to turn-around at Centre Island and took an alternative route back by the RCYC and through the inner harbour. Boat traffic was picking up some at this point but still a quiet holiday Monday.

William Self
Arriving back at Cherry Beach, we stretched our legs, took a few pictures and gathered our stuff before heading back to Nessie's lair and then over to Red Rocket on Danforth for a coffee and scone. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable if not somewhat Scottish first run of the year. I hope to get out about 20 more times before the frost arrives but we shall see. Thanks Bill and Norah for a great morning.

Michael Mitchener